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SPM introduces two major advances in the current Parenting practice;-
  • i. Connected efforts and make parenting inclusive
  • ii. Give different and unique tools to each connected user; that fit their unique needs and make user great at his role i.e. it be school,student, parent, teacher, mentor, career adviser, formal organization and informal.

The advances above introduces four major changes to current parenting practice so as it work better for successes and dreams of children, student and young adult.
  • i. Re-defined parenting : To inclusive, teamwork, active and proactive by all players who have stake in the success and dreams children and young adults,
  • ii. Re-invent parenting services to value-added s ; parenting services among connected players is different from the obvious ones and make players great at their role,
  • iii.Re-imagine roles and purpose of players ; The tool implemented from the design angle Parenting as nurturing success and dreams of children, student and young adults,
  • iv. Parenting is made an enterprise involving connected multi-players; enterprising parenting environment is the one that meet the for success of children in the 21st Century.

Benefits to Specific Users

Children, Student (Young adults)

Parent, Guardian, Relative


Schools Communities