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Welcome to Akili SPM:

A tool that re-define, reinvent reinvigorate and re-energize the world task of nurturing children, student and young adults to success and dreams via parenting

Our Mission:

To reduce the world’s inequality among young adults through parenting that works better for success and dream of every child, student and young adult dream.
Our anchoring belief;
   i. There is a difference between parenting and growing a child,
   ii. Parenting is a vehicle that take every child to adulthood; hence its inequality de-factor,
   iii. No part of the large mission even for a second can effectively be or play its role in isolation

What we do

Tools bring and bind to the common mission world primary, secondary, formal and informal parenting effort. And give the efforts tools they need to derive strength from each other, collaborate and work together to success and dreams of children, students and young adults.

Furthermore; we build a parenting network that implement Medicaps-Law:

The law states that in a network, additional of a node increases the power of the network not by a factor of one but each node exponentially affected as longer as added node relay information as it receive. Parenting network we create allow additional of more new parenting node which relay information as it receive hence all the network benefits.